News items regarding the remains of Mother Teresa are given at:,
There seems to be some difficult negotiations between the governments of Albania
and India. Each one is claiming that Mother Teresa belongs to them. Albania
thinks Mother Teresa's remains should be returned to Albania because she was
born Albanian and so that she may rest with her mother and sister. India
insists that Mother Teresa was very much a part of Indian life, and therefore
her remains should stay in India. Hopefully a satisfactory solution will be
found for this "beloved" lady who
once said: "By blood, I am
Albanian. By citizenship, an Indian. By faith, I am a Catholic nun. As to my
calling, I belong to the world." Her "Sainthood" is
said to be approved soon.
Mother Teresa, the Nobel Peace Prize winner and internationally renowned
humanitarian, is also described in
Wikipedia at url
While reading the CNN news item, I noticed an unknown aspect of Mother Teresa
that I want to share with you.
Mother Teresa was born in the Ottoman city of ÜSKÜP, Kosova, that is, a name
that has been alienated from Turkish by altering its Turkish form into
"SKOPJE". She was born by the name "Gonxha
Bojaxhiu". This is interesting because her first name "Gonxha" is
the altered form of the Turkish name"Gonca" where
Turkish Gonca means "flower
bud" and is a widely used
girl's name. Her last name "Bojaxhiu" is
the altered form of the Turkish nameBoyacu (Boyaci)
meaning "painter". They
are pure Turkish. It should be noticed that when Turkish names or words are
written in an altered manner (i.e., using an alien alphabet or by way of
anagrammatization), they become extremely difficult to spot. Her secondary name
of Agnes must
have been given to her later in life.
Supposedly, the "Christian" name AGNES is
said to be from Greek "AGNOS" meaning "chaste", or
from Latin "agnus" meaning "lamb".
In fact the name AGNES is an old so-called "gognamen", that is, "an
extra personal name given to an ancient Roman citizen, functioning rather like a
nickname and typically passed down from father to son". But the word "gognamen" is
actually the Turkish word "gök
nami" meaning "sky-name",
that is, a name given to a person in
ancient times after a sky-deity.
Notice how difficult it is to spot Turkish "gök
nami" in the supposedly Latin or
English word "gognamen".
When the so-called Greek name AGNOS is
rearranged as "GONAS", we find
that it is the anagrammatized form of the Turkish name "GÜNEŞ" meaning"sun,
sunlight". The Sun and sunlight are unquestionably chaste and were and
still are sky-deities for thousands of years by the Turanians. Hence, the
source of this name is neither Greek nor Roman but plainly Turkish and it is the
name of the sun and sunlight.
Additionally, when the name AGNOS is
rearranged as "GOS-AN" we
find that it is the anagrammatized form of the Turkish expression "GÖZ
AN" meaning the "eye
of the sky" which again is
the "sun". GÖZ was
another Turanian name for the sun in ancient times. Alternatively,
it is "KÖZ AN" meaning
the "fire of the sky" which
again is the "sun".
These names "GÖZ AN" and "KÖZ
AN" are also "GÖZ
HAN" and "KÖZ
HAN" repectively, leading to the
name ofOGUZ HAN.
In this context, Turkish word AN means "sky" and HAN means "lord,
god"., GÖZ means "eye", KÖZ means "fire".
The name OGUZ HAN was
given to the Sky-God, Sun-God and Moon-god in ancient Turanian civilization. Thus,
we see the reason why this Turkish expression was used as a "gognamen". These
Turkish names, "GÜNEŞ", "GÖZ
AN", "GÖZ HAN" and "OGUZ
HAN" were anagrammatized
into the Greek word AGNOS.
Notice how difficult it is to see them in AGNOS.
Furthermore, even if her name AGNES was
from Latin AGNUS, meaning "lamb",
we again see that this name is also from Turkish because, AGNUS,
rearranged as "GUS-AN", is an
anagram of the Turkish word "GUZU-AN" meaning "lamb
of sky" or "lambs".
In this context, Turkish GUZU means"lamb" and AN is
the ancient Turkish "plurality" suffix.
"Agnes' mother, Dranafile Bernaj, ("Drana" means "rose" in Albanian) may have been of Italian descent although some reports indicate her family may have owned land in Serbia. She was more religious than her husband. When her husband died the family discussed religion more often then politics and their ties with the local church, Sacred Heart, got stronger. Drana set up a business of handcrafted embroidery and textiles, but life was certainly more difficult. Even so, Drana was apparently a charitable woman who helped widows and alcoholics
The name of Mother Teresa's mother is said to be Dranafila
Bojaxhiu which is again
interesting. She is also given by the name "Dranafile
Bernaj" where "Drana" is labelled as meaning "rose",
Actually, her first name Dranafila is
also an altered Turkish name.
The name Dranafila is
an anagrammatized form of the Turkish name "KARANFIL" meaning "carnation".
The name Karanfil being
a flower name in Turkish, like "gül" meaning "rose",
is also a first name given to girls
in Turkish culture. In this anagram, Turkish "K" was first changed to Latin
"C" (= K) and then alphabetically up-shifted to the letter "D". Thus her
first name was altered into Dranafila - a
non-Turkish format. Similarly her other last name given asBERNAJ (probably
her maiden name) is actually Turkish BERNA or BERNAY which
are Turkish names for girls.
Of course, her mother's last name Bojaxhiu is,
as pointed out above, the Turkish name Boyacu (Boyaci)
meaning "painter",
such as the one who renovates houses.
Thus, in every sense her mother was a Turkish lady irrespective of her
religion which artificially changes people's ethnic identity.
Now let us examine her father's name NIKOLLA.
The name NIKOLLA is the Albanian variation of the Greek name "NIKOLAOS",
etymologically, supposedly a combination of the
words for "victory" (níkē)and "people"
(laós). This etymology is incorrect, misleading and is
disinformation. Actually, the source of the name NIKOLAOS
is from ancient Turkish.
The name NIKOLAOS, when
rearranged as "AL-KONIS-O", is
the anagrammatized form of the Turkish expression "AL
GÜNEŞ O" meaning "it
is Red Sun", or
in the form of "AL-KON-ISO",
is the anagrammatized form of the Turkish expression "AL
GÜN IŞU" meaning "it
is red/golden sunlight". Turkish word AL (KIZIL) means "red,
golden"; GÜN means "sun";
and IŞI (IŞU)
means "light".
Thus, the first name NIKOLLA of Mother Teresa's father is also an
anagrammatized Turkish name. The Albanian form "Nikolla" is
a variation of the name"Nikolaos" just
like many other Christians names which are variations of Nikolaos,
that is, the Turkish "Al Güneş" and "Al
Gün işi". Thus, we are dealing
with a name that is related, by way of personification, to the sun and sunlight
- as named in Turkish. The name "St.
Nicolaus", is an example of this.
It is no wonder that every Christmas, this personification of the ancient
Turanian "Sun-God" and "Sunlight",
appearing under the guise of "St.
Nicolaus", supposedly comes into Christian homes in his "red" and "white" attire
through "chimneys". The
very fact that "St. Nicolaus" is
dressed in "red" is due to the Turkish "AL" (meaning "red")
present in his name. Sun rays always come into homes through openings on the
side or the top. A very impressive
example of this ancient Turanian culture is the so-called "Pagan" temple
of "PANTHEON" in
ancient Rome.
The following picture of the Pantheon shows how sun rays are coming in at
the top of the dome through
a great overhead circular opening, so called"OCULUS" in
Latin. Of course, the Latin name OCULUS is
nothing but the anagrammatized form of the Turkish expression "ULU
GÖZ" (meaning the"Great Eye") and "ULU
KÖZ" (meaning "great
fire") which are alternative
descriptions of the sun in Turkish. Please see my paper on the Pantheon at url:
(Picture is from
Mother Teresa had a sister named "Aga" and a brother named "Lazar" (Laz-Er) which
are also Turkish names.
Thus, we see that Mother Teresa was clearly born into a Turkish family but
somehow her Turkish identity is fully hidden and most likely, intentionally
ignored. It is difficult to think that the Church authorities did not know her
Turkish background. It probably was much more convenient for the purposes of
the Church to hide her Turkish background rather than to declare it.
The name TERESA is
also a Christianized Turkish expression . When the name TERESA is
rearranged as "ESADER", it is
seen to be the Turkish expression"ISA'DIR" meaning "it
is ISA" (i.e., "it
is Jesus"). Thus, this "Christian" name has also been derived from
the Turkish name ISA meaning "Jesus" by
way of adding the Turkish suffix "DIR" to
After identifying her own names and also her parents' names above as Turkish,
here, I would like to explain my insights into the term "canonization".
Oxford American Dictionaries defines the term "canonize" as
: "(in the Roman Catholic
Church) officially declare (a dead person) to be a saint; figurative regard as
being above reproach or of great significance; sanction by Church authority." ORIGIN
late Middle English : from late Latin canonizare ‘admit as authoritative’ (in
medieval Latin ‘admit to the list of recognized saints’ ).
Basically what this definition is saying is that if the Church canonizes
something, that something becomes official LAW.
Now let us analyze the word "canonization".
CANONIZATION, rearranged
the anagrammatized and romanized form of the Turkish expression "ONa
a law for it", that is, "made
it into law, made it lawful".
Turkish word KANUN means "law", ONA means "to
him/her/it", YAZDI means "wrote", KANUNLAŞTIRDI means "made
it into law, made it lawful",
Similarly, the Latin word CANONIZARE means "canonize,
elevate to sainthood".
The Latin word CANONIZARE, rearranged
the anagrammatized and romanized form of the Turkish expression "KANUN
YAZAR" meaning "writes
law", or, "makes into
There is a second Turkish expression related to sainthood that is embedded
The Latin word CANONIZARE, rearranged
as "CON-AN-IAZER" is
the anagrammatized and Romanized form of the Turkish expression "KUN-hAN
YAZAR" literally meaning "writes Sun-Lord",
that is, "makes him/her a
Sun-God". Turkish "KUN-hAN" ("GUN-HAN")
means "Sun Lord, Sun-God".
Thus, canonizing a person, is not only officially approving and declaring
(i.e., making church law) his/her services to humanity, but also allogorically
declaring the person as"Sun-God" or "Sun
Goddess". This makes the
person a deity, that is, a "saint" which
is "aziz" and "azize" in
Turkish meaning "beloved,
blessed; dear, holy, sacred, saint".
One equivalent in Latin of the term "saint" is
the word "sanctus".
When the Latin word SANCTUS is rearranged
as "CUNASST", we
find that it is the anagrammatized and Romanized form of the Turkish expression "GÜNEŞTI" meaning "it
is Sun", (where the SS combination is a replacement of Turkish letter Ş,
Turkish letters Z and Ç in other cases). This again proves that "sainthood" is
allegorically declaring someone as "sun-god"
(god of light) or "sun-goddess"
(goddess of light), and thus elevating the person to a level of
In fact, the term "SAINT" is also from the Turkish word "ISTAN".
The term SAINT is
the anagrammatized form of the Turkish word "ISTAN",
which means "god", as
it appears at the end of the Central
Asian country names - so-called
Turkish "ISTAN" countries.
The term ISTAN is
from the Turkish names: IŞITAN meaning "that
which lights up"; ISITAN meaning "that
which heats"; and ÜSTHAN meaning
the "the top-most Lord" -
which are the definitions and descriptions of the ancient Turanian Sun-God and
Thus, from whichever way we analyze Mother
Teresa's background, we find
that she has Turkish connection and, by way of canonization, she will be blessed
with the hidden title of the ancient Turanian Sun-God
(Sun-Goddess) as applied to other
canonized people of the world. Gün-Han,
meaning "Sun Lord, Sun God" was
the name of the first son of the Sky-God OGUZ-KAGAN as
noted in the Turkish epic story of the same name. Oguz is
also the name of the Tur/Türk/Oguz peoples.
From all of the above discussion, it seems that the Church has a tradition of
hiding away anything it takes from Turkish civilization - by way of altering
source names into a format that looks and sounds anything but Turkish - as they
have done all throughout their existance. When her Turkish background, as I
have explained above, is not known, and she is always presented as Mother
Teresa, or by other Christian names, then she is being portrayed
ethnically as an Indo-European - which is misleading. With
the new information I provided in this paper, most likely, Mother
Teresa will also be known as "Anne
Güneş Gonca Boyaci" in Turkish,
that is, "Mother Sun (Sunlight)
Gonca Boyaci".
Evidently, Mother Teresa, who
was one very specially gifted human being, whether she was converted to
Christianity or not, has already earned the right to be aSun-Goddess by
her tireless service to humanity. May the divine Sun-God,
(i.e., "Al Gün-Han"), bless her soul forever!
Best wishes to all,
Polat Kaya