Words under the lens: About the Latin term QUERQUETULANUS  or  QUERQUETULANUM and more.





Recently I came across the Latin word QUERQUETULANUS  (or  QUERQUETULANUM)  meaning “belonging to an oak wood”. Similarly the Latin wordQUERCETUM means “an oak wood”, QUERCEUS (QUERCEUSA, QUERCEUM) means “the oak”, QUERNEUS (QUERNEUSA, QUERNEUM)means “relating to the oak, oaken”.  [Castell’s  Compact Latin-English, English-Latin Dictionary, 1962, p. 209]. 


I immediately noticed the Turkish word GÜRGEN inside this Latin word QUERQUETULANUS . GÜRGEN is the Turkish name for English tree names such as “horn beech, hornbeam, beech tree”. I realize that a beech tree is not an Oak tree, but, under the family name FAGACEAE, there are species of oak, chestnut, and beech (genera Quercus, Castanea, and Fagus respectively). Therefore a beech tree is in the same family as an oak tree.  See Wikipedia link at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fagaceae


I deciphered QUERQUETULANUM by rearranging its letters as “ELA-QURQEM-UTUNU” and then saw that QUERQUETULANUM is actually a modified form of the Turkish expression “ALA GÜRGEN ODUNU” meaning “it is spotted beech wood” The letter M in QUERQUETULANUM is a replacement (by use of Caesar Cipher) of the N in the original Turkish GÜRGEN ODUNU.


Turkish word ALA means “spotted”, ODUN means “wood” and GÜRGEN (Gürgen ağacı, Kayın Ağacı) is the Turkish name for English tree names “horn beech, hornbeam, beech tree”.


Turkish GÜRGEN AĞACI is identified with the HORN BEECH (Latin family name “Carpinus betulus”), and again under the family name FAGACEAE. Similarly, Turkish KAYIN AĞACI is identified with the BEECH TREE (Latin name “Fagus silvatica”), and again by the name FAGACEAE.   Similarly Turkish MEŞE is also under the same family name FAGACEAE All of these Fagaceae trees are high rising trees having majestic globular crowns (heads). In this context, I found the name FAGACEAE interesting.


When I rearrange the Latin term FAGACEAE as “GAFA-AEEC”, I see that it is the Turkish expression “KAFA AĞAÇ” meaning “head tree” (i.e., the tree with a globular crown).   The “Order” name of this family of trees is given as “FAGALES” which is again an altered form of the Turkish word “KAFALI” meaning “with head”.


Another example name is the family name “Carpinus betulus”. The first name in this two-word classification is the so-called GENUS name of the plant which refers to the “type, sort, kind, genre” of the plant.  All of these English terms “type, sort, kind, genre” are explained by the Turkish word “CİNSİ, GİNSÜ” having the meaning all of these words.  It can be seen that the so-called Latin word GENUS is just an alteration of the Turkish word CİNSİ – where the pronounciation of the G in GENUS is exactly the same as the C in Turkish CİNSİ There is also the Turkish word TÜRÜ which has the same meaning asCİNSİ.  The word TÜRÜ comes from the word TUR.


The word GENUS, furthermore, is an alteration of the Turkish word “GÜNEŞ” which means “the sun”. “GÜNEŞ was the Sun-God of the ancient Turanians. And, the Sun created all of those different species of plants and animals. It appears that the so-called Latin “scientific” classifications of all life was actually the scientific culture of the ancient Turanians - which the Romans and other Aryans usurped!


The GENUS name of CARPINUS, given above, is also interesting.  When I decipher the term CARPINUS by rearranging it as “U-PAR-CINS”, I find that it is an altered form of the Turkish expression “O BİR CİNS” meaning “it is one sort, it is one kind, its kind”.  Similarly, the second family name BETULUS is an altered form of the Turkish word “TEPELiYÜZ” meaning “we are with heads”.  This again verifies my etymological findings above!


Here I must also note that when the Roman linguists fabricated the Latin term QUERQUETULANUM, the Turkish tree name GÜRGEN was employed instead of the name MEŞE - where MEŞE would refer to the Oak tree.  This is expected, because GÜRGEN, MEŞE, KAYIN and KESTANE are all in the same family of trees.


Even the Latin word QUERCETUM, which means “an oak wood”, is made up from the Turkish word “GÜRGENTUR” - where the letter N in Turkish has been downshifted to an M in the Latin word – on top of other alterations.


By the way, the English term WOODEN is also made up from Turkish ODUN meaning “wood”.


It seems that among the oak tree names, some beech trees (GÜRGEN) are also regarded as oak. Turkish names such as  Gürgen ağacı, Kara Gürgen, Küpeli Meşe, and Yalancı tüylü meşe (Quercus virgiliana) are mentioned.

http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Me%C5%9Fe#T.C3.BCrkiye.27deki_t.C3.BCrler .


This oak tree named “Yalancı tüylü meşe” in Turkish translated to English means “the oak with liar feathers”.  Regarding this Turkish tree name, what is so interesting is that its Latin name is “Cuercus virgiliana” which gives the impression it is from a “Latin” source.  But when I decipher the second family nameVIRGILIANA by rearranging it as “IRI-VALANGI”, we find that the name VIRGILIANA is just an altered, restructured and Latinized version of the Turkish expression “İRİ YALANCI” meaning “big liar”. So what appears to be a Latin word is actually not Latin at all in origin. Rather, it was manufactured from the Turkish phrase “İRİ YALANCI”. 


By such concoctions in the “Latin” language, both the scientific community and the ever trusting public have been massively deceived. A secret group has been cleverly, but dishonestly, usurping and anagrammatizing Turkish words and expressions into alienated so-called “Aryan” words – all the while claiming their fabrications as genuine and authentic “Indo-European” creations.  Yet, the concept of Indo-Europeanism is a recent concoction.  It did not exist in ancient times.


In view of these revelations I just highlighted, it is no surprise that we are finding the Turkish tree name GÜRGEN in the Latin word QUERQUETULANUMand other related Turkish words as well. All this indicates that the Turkish language was the progenitor language and that it was widely used not only in Asia but also all over Europe at the time of the Romans and earlier!


Polat Kaya

