Polat Kaya
Copyright © 1997, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Ever since the Sumerian language became known for the world of the linguists, there have been claims and counter claims to the view that the Sumerian and Turkish languages are related. While some groups vehemently deny the linguistic affinity between the two languages, others gingerly but nevertheless positively admit the affinity of these two languages.
In the following list, a set of 200 English words, numbered from 1 to 200 and alternatively known as "200 concept group Hymes List", and their correspondences in Sumerian and Turkish are given. Under each selection in English, other concepts related to the selected word's meaning are also entered. Thus in the first two columns, we have the English and Sumerian entries and in the third column, Turkish entries are provided.
The purpose of this study is to bring to attention those Sumerian and Turkish words which correspond to each other and/or seemingly related to each other in form and in meaning and at the same time to see if Turkish can pass a given test in order to prove its kinship to the Sumerian. From the listed words given below, there seems to be ample evidence that the Turkish, as members of Altaic languages, have come from a root that also included the Sumerian language. In view of the fact that the Sumerian and Turkish have been separated from each other or from a parent language, that is if they had a common parent in the past, for at least five thousand years, it is surprising to see that there still are many words which correspond to each other in both languages.
It is hoped that other workers in this field will contribute to this list to improve its level of accuracy such that it will make the Sumerian-Turkish relationship an unquestionably recognized one.
At this point I would like to acknowledge, with special thanks, the contribution of Fred Hamori who provided the 200 word concept group Hymes List.
The Sumerian being an ancient and dead language, its present day reading has been done through the intermediary of Akkadian and other Semitic languages. Since language is the most important part of any culture, those who did not live the Sumerian culture that created the Sumerian language would not be able to define exact meanings of Sumerian words no matter how efficient readers they may be of the Sumerian cuneiform writing system. Therefore some degree of inexactness is expected in the definition and meaning of each Sumerian word. However, since the list given below is based on the works of some of the eminent scholars of the field, it can be viewed as up to date.
As for the Turkic correspondences of the Sumerian words given in the list below, I have tried to find Turkish correspondences from archaic as well as the living Turkic languages.
According to Dell Hymes, [Dell Hymes, "Lexikostatistics so far", Current Anthropology, pages 30-31 University of Chicago, 1960], we have the following mathematical relationship between languages that have the same root but separated from each other in the past:
t = log c: log r where t is the time of separation, c is the remaining root words, r is the ratio of remaining words to original. (86 words left after 1,000 years based on tests)
If t = 1,000 years, Nt/No = r**(1/1000) = c where Nt is the total root words remaining after time separation t and No is the number of root words from the root language in the list (time zero)
t/1000 * log r = log c
t/1000 = log c/ log r where logr = log 0.86
if t = 5000 years then 5000/1000 = 5 ; 5 = log c / log r ; 5 * log r = log c or 5 * log 0.86 = log c;
log c= 5* ( 0.93450 -1 ) = (4.67250 - 5); alog c = c = alog(0.67250 -1) = 4.704/10 = .4704
or 47% of the remaining words.
Thus, a language that has 47% of the root words of the following Sumerian list can be a direct descendant of that language according to Hymes. Please note that this mathematical relationship by Hymes was for 100 selected words for which reader is asked to see Fred Hamori's home page.
(In the list below following lettering is used in Turkish words: s^=sh; ü; ö; î; g~= yumus^ak g)
1 ALL all -- as, like, which all sorts of things equal, likeness totality -- |
-- kis^ àm em-nam man imin -- |
bütün, hep, her kes, heme, hamî, tam herkes, barca, kamag [ODes: 613, 661], [AVG, 76] hamî (her kes) = everyone, all kimi = like her s^ey =every thing ta-mam hamî, tüm, tamam = all, totality kamag [AVG, 76] = all, totality |
2 AND and |
-- u3 |
u, (dahi, taki [ODes: 667]) u (ve [MuEr, 18, 19]) = and (1) |
3 ANIMAL animal -- -- animal animal -- animal |
-- mas^ 2 s>l mas^ mus^ a2-lal 2/DSL334 álad /DSL297,3 -- álad /DSL297,3 d>k |
mal, hayvan mal mal-ak, balak = young of a water buffalo [TDK] m>kkus^ = bird lal = konus^amayan, dilsiz, hayvan mal-ak, balak = young (up to one year old) of animals like cow, buffalo; bala = young child balak (balik [AVG, 266]) = fish |
4 ASHES dust, sand, mud dry up ashes, smoke? ashes |
-- sahar -h->-m- s^a ubilla 2 dè |
kül, toz çamur = mud; toz = dust; kum = sand s^o-rak, ço-rak tarla = dried up field kül = ash; bulut = cloud -- |
5 AT at/of at/of locative infix to lie with, be with at a time, when -- -- |
-- -a -a -ni- ná n>l ud, u ud, u ud, u |
-de, -da, -e, -a -de, -da, -e, -a locative suffix -in, -în, -un, -ün = genetive suffix (as in ata-n-în=father's) -de, -da = locative suffix meaning at. -le, -la = suffix for togetherness. öd = time [ODes: 466,467], [ONT: 12] öd-en = this year, [ODes: 466,467], [ONT: 12] öd-le (öyle, gün ortasi [IBML, 56] = noon |
6 BACK back give birth dark, afraid nakedness -- back back, spine |
-- eg~er mud mud mug 2 -- has^ 4 ed-in |
geri, arka, bel geri = back; eg~er = saddle dogur-mak kara; korku çem, çim (soyunma, yikanma, yuzme [IZEy, 139]) = naked, bathing, undressing; çem-re-mek = to undress arka bel, bel kemigi |
7 BAD bad -- |
-- hul gig g>t |
kötü, fena [fana] öl = die; ölüm = diying kötü |
8 BARK peel, pare, shell -- -- -- skin skin |
-- bar b>t bar b>s -- bar kus kus |
kabuk, kavuk ter (kabuk, ince kabuk [IZEy, 655]) = shell; bark of a tree sar- = to envelope, to wrap; sar-gî = bandage; sar-îk= wrapped around, turban; börk (kalpak) = leather hat kas (kabuk, deri, tulum [IZEy, 381] kîs^îr = bark, peel, crust, rind [RDH1] |
9 BECAUSE because, expose by, through, because of because |
-- bar de de mu |
çün, çünkü çün, çünkü -- -- -- |
10 BELLY heart, womb blood, vessel suck |
-- mb s^a3.g s>b su sub |
karîn/garin bag~-îr, ürek, yürek = heart; su = water, river, rivulet ; damar suv = water |
11 BIG big big, great -- -- -- mould, hill big, high, large |
-- gal kur, gur kur, gur -- kur, gur kur, gur mah |
büyük, ulu [ulug], bedük [AVG, 267] gala (ulu, kala, kale) = big wall, fortress; kur-ul-tay = summit (big) meeting; ulu = big, great kur-mak = to establish an organization, to set up, to organize kur = row, file, tier, course of masonry [RDH1] kur-gan, tepe (töpü [MuEr, 134]) = mould, hill. -- |
12 BIRD bird |
-- mus^en m>k |
kus^ kus^ = bird |
13 BITE bite |
-- har (chew) h>s |
dis^le, isir isir, ez, çig~ne |
14 BLACK black -- |
-- g~i 6-g, ku10.g g~i 6-g, ku10.g |
kara kara gök, kök = dark blue, sky; gök/kök = night |
15 BLOOD blood blood; carnivoure |
-- mud uri |
kan, (soy, sop, bir soydan gelen, [IZEy, 370]) kan yür-ek/ür-ek = heart;böri, kurt = wolf (carnivore) |
16 TO BLOW to blow -- -- -- blow, kindl .burn, roast blow, shine, blister |
-- bug~ g>v -- -- -- bul 4, bu 5 bil bun 2, bu 7 -- |
üflemek, püvlemek [UYAT, 200] puv-di-gen (üfleyen [UYAT, 200] = one who blows puv-/üfle- = to blow; ür-mek (s^is^irmek, üflemek [AVG, 306]) bug~u = vapour, misty air that comes out when blowing. yakmak, tutus^turmak, üflemek pis^irmek = to cook -- -- |
17 BONE bone skull bone, skeleton, corpse side, rib tooth, teeth, ivory bone, knee, joint -- -- |
-- g~ir3.pad.du ugu e ad 3,6, adda 2 ti zú kak -- -- |
kemik, süngük [IZEy, 615] geri = back; ka-bur-ga = rib; bas^ tasi = skull; tepe = top of head; adam (ölü); ata = ancestor ka-bur-ga = rib; ez = crush; dis^ = tooth kemik = bone; diz = knee;ek = joint. keg-r-ek/geg-r- ek (Yumus^ak kemik, kîk-îr-dak [IZEy, 273]) = lower rib [RDH1] |
X1 BREAST breast. chest -- breast (female) |
-- gaba -- ubur |
meme gaba-k (ön, kîz-lîk, bekaret [HNO, 832]) = front; virginity koyun (kucak) = bosom, breast, chest [RDH1,677] übür = breast (Tunguz, Mongol [FH]) |
18 TO BREATHE breath, breath, wind -- |
-- zi lil l>y lil l>y |
nefes almak, soluk almak so-luk, nefes yil , yel = wind, air yel-ek = wind maker; wing feathers, quill |
19 TO BURN to burn, roast -- burn,burning -- fever, burn -- -- -- fever, burn |
-- bil -- gi-bil ma5 tab -- -- -- tab b>v |
yan-mak / yak-mak îl-ît-mak (îlî-, îlîn-, îlîk ol-, îsîn- [IZEy, 331] = to heat to a warm state. bil-gän (proto Altaic [FH]) = warm hot. sî -cak, kî z-gî n tav-la-mak (demiri dövülebilmesi icin belirli bir dereceye kadar kîzdîrmak, îsîtmak, yakmak) = to heat iron (or other material also) to proper degree so that it can be shaped by beating. (Turkish proverb: "demir tavinda dövülür") tav-lî (sîcak, îsî) = heat, heated |
20 CHILD child -- child baby, small donkey foal small, young small, child young animals -- child, son child, son -- offspring, sprout |
-- dumu -- banda2/3 -nd->-l- didi d>b dur r>g har h>k tur t>k mas^ s^>l mas^ m>b pes^ pes^ -- isim 2,3 |
cocuk, bala, yavru, bebek, (civciv, dana, kuzu) damiz-lik (döl, tohum) = young animal kept for breeding, seed (a child is exactly this) bala = young child bebe = baby ko-dug~, sipa kör-pe = young kör-pe = young; bala = small child mal-ak, bal-ak = young animal, cub, buffalo calf [RDH1] bala (kus^ ve hayvan yavrusu [IZEy, 149]) piç = bastard child pes^e (pas^a= ilk dogan erkek çocug~un takma adî [IZEy, 76]) = nick name of first child (son) among Turks. -- |
X2 CLAW, NAIL scribe ? Write -- scratch, incise cross plow |
-- umbisañ sar -- hur h>s gib g> |
tirnak, cirnak bitikci [AVG, 269] = writer, scriber sür ([IZEy, 616])= scribe, plow, drive yad, yaz, yay y>z>d [IZEy, 742] = write sür = plow a field; drive çiz-mek = to scratch |
21 CLOUD cloud eclipsed, darkened -- soak, cloud to pass over mistiness |
-- du-gud gid-im6 -- lum m>t bàra pir r>s |
bulut, duman, sis, pus, buhar du-man, bu-har, bulut bulanmak (sislenmek,bulutlanmak [IZEy,106]) = to become misty, to become cloudy, to become non-transparent bu-lut (bulit [AVG, 270] = cloud -- pus = mist |
X3 CLOTHING clothing clothing -- -- -- -- to dress ornament to dress to spin -- excellent, valuable remove, cast off linen, undergarment cloth crown? -- thing leather dresser type of weaver vestments (gods & rulers) |
-- tug2 tug2 tug2 tug tug -- ál ul mur, mu- sur 8 s>b sur 8 kala s^ub -b>-m gadda gadda kendu -- nig as-gab g>p húb pala -- |
giysi, elbise, takî, s^al, aba, aspap, paltar tok-u/dok-u = woven objects tok-u-mak/dok-u-mak = to weave textile tak-in-mak = to wear jewelry tu-man = long wide drawers or trousers; tug~ = horse-hair pennant, horsetail attached to a helmet or flag-staff [RDH1]. al-lar giymek = to put on red or colorful dresses, decorate oneself al = ornament, colorful attachment ör-tün-mek = to dress, to cover oneself bur-mak = to twist, to spin sar-mak = to wrap around Kal-ak = woman's ornamented headgear [RDH1, 584] çem-re; (çemrek [IZEy, 139]) = naked keten (kettan[RDH1, 646]) = flax fiber, linen cloth; keten (kettan[RDH1, 646]) = flax fiber, linen cloth; kendir = rope made of hemp plant; kendir bezi = hempen cloth [RDH1, 638] s^ey, nes-ne as-pap = clothing aba = type of rough cloth, cloak pal-tar = cübbe; pal-a= long quilted saddle-cloth [RDH2] -- |
22 COLD cold cold |
-- s^ed 7/10/11 s^ed 7/10/11 |
sog~-uk, üs^ü-müs^, (öl-müs^) üs^ü-müs^, sog~-uk,üs^ü = cold sazak (sog~-uk esen yel, poyraz, sert yel, [IZEy, 589]) = cold wind; |
23 TO COME to come walk, go -- lead away |
-- g~en. -n>-l du, (e), su8.b] ir10 |
gel/kel gel gel, git yü-rü-yür = he walks yü-rü-yüs^ = walk, travel |
X4 TO COOK to boil |
-- s^eg~6 |
pis^irmek, kaynatmak, îs-ît-mak î-sîg~/îsît = heat; îsît-mak = to heat |
24 TO COUNT count, calculate one equate, compare |
-- s^id d>y za sá |
saymak say; sayi = number; es^it = equal, same sa-yî = number es^it = equal, same |
25 TO CUT separate, cut off breach a dike snip, cut, trim reap, harvest, shear to cut, break -- |
-- kud, ku 5 kud, ku 5 d>s kud, ku 5 guru 5 ur 4 tar tar t>h |
kesmek, üzmek, koparmak ko-p-ar = separate, break off; hud-ut = border, kes = cut off ged-ik, kîr-îk, yar-îk = breach, opening kîr = snip; kes = cut, trim or-ak = sickle; har-man = harvest ta-ra-mak = to comb, mow down; har-man = harvest |
X5 TO DANCE to dance |
-- [?] |
oynamak oyna = dance; oyna-dîk = we danced |
26 DAY day, sun, time -- -- -- -- break of the day, shine |
-- ud, u 4 -- -- -- -- bar 6,7 bar 6,7 b>p |
kün, gün (kin, kan) üt/ot/od(ates^ [IZEy, 703]) = fire; üt-mek/üt-i-mek (yakmak [IZEy, 703]) = to burn öd (zaman [HNO, 825]) = time öd-le/öy-le = noon time kün, gün = sun, day güna-g~ar-masî = day break par-la-mak |
27 TO DIE blood, die, dead -- die, dead -- die, kill die, kill destroyed, bent netherworld die, destroy, bent -- |
-- us^2 us^2 us^2 -- ug 5,7,8 hul gil l>r hil-ib gúr -- |
ölmek u-yu = sleep; es-ki = old, broken, used up. us-lu (sakin, sessiz) = unmoving, voiceless; us-lu dur = don't make any move or noise u (uyku [HNO, 873]) = sleep öl = die; öl-dür = kill kîr-îk = broken, destroyed; eg~-ri = bent obir dünye, yer altî kîr = break, destroy, kill; kîr-gîn = desease |
28 TO DIG dig up, quarry -- quarry quarry dig, scrape plough land clay pit, pit field (cultivated) |
-- bal b>s bal b>s bal dun, du 24 si isi as^-ag |
kaz-mak, es^-mek, böl-mek böl = divide or break into pieces sal(büyük kaya) = big stone; rock tas^ ocag~î = quarry bal-ta = hatchet, ax (a tool perhaps also used in quarry) -- çiz = scratch; es^= to dig -- es^-eg (es^ilmis^ yer), tarla; as^ = food |
29 DIRTY to be dirty to clean wool clay, mud wastes, animal pen -- -- lump of clay |
-- pil -l>-s pes^ 5,6 imi, em kis-im 2,3,5 -- -- gir-in |
kirli, pis pis olmak pis = dirty ça-mur = mud pîs^-kî/fus^-ku, pis-lik; kes-ek (ker-me, kesilerek kurutulmus^ koyun dîs^kîsî, tezek) = sheep waste (14). kir = dirt; |
30 DOG dog, carnivour dog, carnivour dog, carnivour dog, carnivour guard blood fox barking (dog) |
-- ur ur ur ur r>l ur ur ka 5 a gu g>l |
it, köpek, kurt, böri, barak kurt, böri = wolf; it = dog r>t?; ürü-mek = barking of a dog; ur-la-mak (hirlamak) = to growl ulu-mak = howling of a dog; koru-mak (one way of guarding is with a dog); ür-ek (yürek) = heart; kan-gal, ka-ra-bas^= Anatolian sheep dogs; ulu-mak = howling of a dog; ürü-mek = barking of a dog. |
31 TO DRINK to drink, to irrigate irrigate thirst, drink beer |
-- nag~, na 8 in-gar imma m>ç |
içmek, emmek, sormak iç-mek; su-la-mak = to irrigate su-la = irrigate içme = mineral waters; emik = suckle |
32 DRY dried fish, dried dry up dry up dry up, misty |
-- had s^a lah, ah bir |
kuru, karak (kurak) [ODes] kuru-mus^ = dried up îsî = heat ku-rak kuru-mus^ = dried up |
33DULL to soften |
-- ten |
kör, kesmez, sîkîcî yumu-s^at-mak |
34 DUST earth, dust, sand, mud dust arrid, dry land |
-- sahar -h->-m- ukum par-im p>ç |
toz, kum, toprak, çamur yer = earth; ça-mur = mud; toz = dust kum = sand çor-ak = arid, barren |
35 EAR ear -- -- hear hear, understand |
-- g~es^ tug 2 tug 2 -- g~es^ g~es-tu |
kulak es^it = hear; tuy/duy (duyma, sezme, kavrama, anlama, is^itme [IZEy, 207]) = feeling, intuition, hearing, understanding es^it = hear; es^it (anla); |
36 EARTH earth, place, where -- -- clay, wetland swamp earth, dust earth (bur=dust, dirt) |
-- ki -- -- im um-un 5,6,11 sahar s^u-bur |
dünye, yer, kara, toprak yer, kara, toprak; köt-ki ( tepe, daglik yer, toprak yigini [IZEy, 441]) = hill, mountainous place, pile of dirt. ça-mur, balçik bat-ak, çum-luk -- -- |
37 EAT eat -- feed, nurse to take in feast festival, feast |
-- gu7 -- kú ku 4 ùnu ez-en |
ye, yut yut = swallow; gut = gulping sound that one makes as one swallows food. em-dir ka-pu = gate; kap-mak = to snatch ün = voice, noise; s^en-lik (bayram) = feast es-en = health and happiness |
38 EGG egg -- |
-- nunuz -- |
yumurta, tohum, döl yumur-ta (töl, döl, to-hum) = egg yumur (yuvarlak) = round |
X6 EIGHT eight |
-- ussu [us-sa-am] |
sekiz se-kiz = 8 |
39 EYE eye, see face, front see through |
-- igi igi sim |
göz, köz göz = eye; gör-mek = to see; kör = blind yüz (g>y) = face; öng/ön = front; cam = glass |
40 TO FALL fall fall, cast down evening (setting sun) |
-- s^ub sus 2, su 2,3 us-an |
düs^mek, yîkîlmak, çökmek düs^mek sus-turul-mak = silented, fallen ak-s^am = evening |
41 FAR far long, distant long, distant, remote distance to go to go far |
-- bad.r gid sud 4, su us ma3 2 ri |
uzak uzak uz-un = long; git = go uz-un = long; uz-ak = far, distant, remote uz-ak-lîk -- -- -ri, -ru = directional suffix |
42 FAT, GREASE fat, grease |
-- i3, ia |
yag~ yag~ = oil, fat |
43 FATHER father -- -- father, elder -- |
-- a.a, ad.da d>t -- -- abba b>p -- |
ata, apa, baba, dede ata = father; dede = grandfather atam = my father, my ancestors adam (insan) = human apa = father, old man; baba = father, old man |
44 TO FEAR terrify, tremble -- frightened, nervous fear ? enemy, tremble |
-- hu.luh -- bu.luh ni, ni2 (fear) ur |
korkmak, dehs^et duymak, kuruntu yapmak, titremek bayîl-mak = to faint; korkut-mak = to terrify; titre-mek = to tremble bayil-mis^ = fainted -- er = man, soldier |
45 FEATHER feather |
-- pa[.mus^en] |
kus^ tüyü, telek, yelek kus^tüyü = down feathers |
46 FEW to be few, etc empty, destitute low, small, weak -- narrow |
-- la2 sud, su sig -- sig 9, si |
az al (çîkar) = take away -siz, -suz = suffix for emptiness sîkî (küçük ) = tight; küçük = small; za-yîf = weak; -cik, -cîk = diminutive suffix sîkî = tight |
47 TO FIGHT -- struggle, fight, quarrel to be angry battle war hostility, war |
-- -- du 14 du 14 dug, duk me3 gudibir gug 5 |
atis^-mak, didis^-, dövüs^-, güres^-, süngüs^- [HNO, 854], savas^-, vurus^- didis^ = struggle; dövüs^ = fight; dövüs^ = quarrel döv-mek = to beat -- harp, cenk = battle, war gür-es^-mek = to wrestle |
48 FIRE fire strike, start a fire fever beam, ray |
-- izi tag t>ç tag t>ç dih2 dalla |
ot/od, atas^ îsî = heat; kîz-gîn = hot; çak-mak = drive a nail by striking çak-mak (tas^î)= flint stone -- -- |
49 FISH fish a fish ? |
-- ku6, ha h>b gir |
balîk bal-îk = fish sün-ger = sponge |
50 FIVE five |
-- ia2 |
bes^, bis^ bes^, bis^ = 5 |
51 TO FLOAT bridge, ferry float -- waterfowl |
-- id-dir dirig -g>-n -- us |
yüzmek köprü derin (tering [AVG, 299, IZEy,180]) = deep water; dur-an = not moving kaz = goose |
52 TO FLOW ditch, drain -- -- flow, pour, spout -- -- -- |
-- sur, zal -- -- sur 8 sur 8 sur 8 zal? |
akmak sur (duvar) = surrounding wall; arik (ark, irmak, su yolu [IZEy, 37]) = ditch ar-ku (nehir, dere [AVG, 261]) = river, brook suv (su) = water, river; sür = push, move something forward; sür = move animals from one area to another sal = raft |
53 FLOWER fruit, flower -- |
-- gurun sar (plant) |
çiçek yemis^, meyve; çiçek -- |
54 TO FLY to fly a flying insect |
-- dal nim n>s |
uçmak uçmak; dal = fly (Mongol) [FH] cibin, mil-çek = fly |
55 FOG fog, mist, haze eclipsed, darkened mistiness |
-- muru 9 m>b gid-im 6 bir r>s |
duman, çen, pus, sis, bulut bulut = cloud, fog -- pus (sis, duman [IZEy, 561]) = mist |
56 FOOT foot foot race |
-- g~iri3 dal |
ayak, adak gir = enter; yürü= walk kos^u |
57 FOUR four, female |
-- limmu 2,4,5 |
dört dört = 4 ; eme = woman |
58 TO FREEZE to freeze |
-- s^eg~4 [?] |
donmak sog~-uk = cold; don-mak = to freeze |
59 FRUIT fruit -- |
-- gurun -- |
yemis^, meyve kurut (kurutulmus^ yogurt [IZEy, 450] = dried yogurt balls; kuru yemis^ = dried fruits; ku-rut-mak = to dry |
X7 FULL fill, full, increase to be full -- |
-- si de de |
do-lu sil-me (ag~zîna kadar dolu) = full up to the brim doy-mak = to be full; dol-dur-mak = to fill |
60 TO GIVE to give bear, give birth give, pay, apportion |
-- sumu tu, tud ba |
vermek, sunmak sun-mak = to give, to deliver ta-s^i-mak = to bear; tog~ur-mak = to give birth [IZEy, 193] bar (ver) = give; öde = pay; |
61 GOOD glad (Gordon) good, fine, strong mild, silent, good good, true, firm to be good, healthy sweet, good, glad good, pleasant |
-- dug3 d>y es-ig, esi s^ig 5 g>s zi, zid d>g sil-im dug, du 10 sa 6 |
iyi, yeg~, edgü, esen yeg~, edgü = good [HNO, 791, 890] edgü (iyi) = good, fine ses-siz = silent sag~= good, true -- tat-li; edgü = good sag~ (sag~-lam) = in good state, unbroken or undamaged |
62 GRASS grass folliage, buds sprout, shoot |
-- u2 pa bil |
ot, çimen ot; î (nebat, ekin, orman [AVG, 273]) = plant, growing grain, forest fi-liz = new shoots, buds fi-liz = sprout, shoots |
63 GREEN yellow-green blue |
-- sig7 gin3 |
yas^il, yes^il (ter yes^illik [IZEy, 655]) sarî = yellow gök = blue, sky |
64 GUTS intestines, gut lower abdomen stomack, pouch |
-- s^a 3.g, s^a has^ tun |
bag~irsak, barsak, kursak bag~irsak karîn tor-ba = pouch, bag |
65 HAIR body hair head hair -- beard -- tail shaggy hair, long |
-- su suhur h>k suhur sul, su 6 -- kun n>y guz |
saç, sakal, kîl kîl = body hair sa-kál = beard; saç = head hair -- sa-kal = beard; sal, çal (yas^lî kimse [KTLS, 974]) = old (man) kuy-ruk yele = mane |
66 HAND hand hand, fist |
-- s^u kis-ib |
el el = hand; parmak = finger yum-ruk = fist |
67 HE he/she he/she male |
-- in ni-tah ? |
O anî, onu = 3rd p. pr. accusative form an, o = he, she, it ata = father, male |
68 HEAD head, wise head, wise -- skull, top of head |
-- sag~ sag~ -- ugu |
bas^, tepe, kafa, kelle Ak sak-al = elder man, wise man, saga sag~lam düs^ünen = wise sag~îr (ses duymayan [IZEy, 572]) = deaf bas^tasi = skull; tepe = top of head |
69 TO HEAR hear, understanding noise, sound noise, sound listen, harken, heed secret |
-- g~is^..tuku [ñes] gu gurgur aka hal |
is^itmek, dinlemek es^it = hear, understand gür-ül-tü = noise gür-le-me = noise [IZEy, 304] -- -- |
70 HEART heart heart -- suck |
-- s^a3.g s^a3.g -- sub b>r |
yürek, gönül (köngül), kalb/kalp [IZEy, 367] yürek/ürek; sag~-lam (diri, güclü, güvenli [IZEy, 571]) = alive, sound in body, strong, trustworthy [RDH1] sor-mak = to suck |
71 HEAVY massive, heavy heavy, thick, strong |
-- dugud kul |
ag~îr ag~îr kal-in = heavy, thick, strong |
72 HERE here |
-- |
burada, buraya bura, burada, buraya |
73 TO HIT to hit, beat to hit, beat -- -- to strike, stamp |
-- tud2, tu 10/11.b tud2, tu 10/11.b -- -- ru |
vurmak, dövmek döv-mek (tög-üs^, döy-mek) = to hit, to beat teg~-mek (deymek) to touch; tok-mak, tok-aç = mallet, stick for beating out washing tok-us^-mak = to hit each other, head to head butting. ur-mak, vur-mak = to strike; darp etmek= to stamp out |
74 TO HOLD, TAKE to hold, take to hold, take to hold, take to hold, take -- |
-- dab5, b>y tuku tuku -- |
tutmak, yakalamak, almak yaka-lamak = to catch dey-mek = to touch tok-un-mak (dok-un-mak) = to touch toka = hand shake tut-mak = to hold |
X8 HORN horn |
-- si |
boynuz, mügüz [HNO, 819] müng-üz, ming-iz, müy-üz [AVG, 287] |
75 HOW how -- -- |
-- -- -- |
nasîl, ne s^ekilde na-sil, ne-gül [AVG, 287] = how; ne-ce = how; na, ne = what |
X9 HUNDRED hundred ten |
-- g~is^ 2 g>y u |
yüz yüz =100 on =10 |
76 TO HUNT to hold, to seize -- kick, flop, knock down wander, pass along -- hardship, difficulty, wild to fish, hunt catch, strike |
-- dab 2,4,5 -- dúb b>p dúb b>v -- dib 2 bad4 bad4 ta-g ta-g |
avlamak tap-mak = to find; av-lamak = to hunt (d seems to be dropped); ab (av) = game to hunt tep-mek = to kick döv-mek = to beat; dib-ek = stone or wooden mortar -- bat-mak = to go under, to sink yab-an = wild ag~ = net to catch fish (t seems to be dropped) teg-mek/deg~-mek = to touch |
77 HUSBAND husband mate, spouse first husband a team |
-- ni-ta dam g~itlam nit bir |
er, koca, es^ er, koca = husband; ata = father dam (ev) = house -- -- |
78 I I I I, self myself possesive pr. suffix |
-- g~a-e, ma-e -g~u 10 ni men -mu, -ma |
men, ben men -em = verbal (indefinite) pronoun suffix for I meni = (accusative 1st p. s.) men = myself -im, -îm, -um, -üm = possessive 1st p. s. suffix |
79 ICE ice |
-- s^eg~8 [?] |
buz, muz, don sog~-uk = cold |
80 IF if ? if it be/Gordon |
-- tukum-bi hé-a |
eg~er, ger, ise, -se, -sa -se, -sa = conditional suffix -- |
81 IN locative, genetive suffix in, into into, to, upon middle, inner, waist |
-- -a, -bi -a, -bi im(mi) ba-an ib, éb |
içeri -a, -ya = dative suffix -in, -în içeri bin = get onto, ride bel = waist, guts |
82 TO KILL kill kill, lie down kill, vanquish, crush terrible, wild to kill, die to destroy |
-- us^2 nud, nu n>y gaz 2 hus^ ug 5,7,8 g>l gul |
öldürmek sus-tur-mak = to silence u-yut = put into sleep; yat = lie down ez = crush -- öl = die öl-dür-mek = to kill, to destroy (g is dropped?) |
10 KNEE knee |
-- dug3, du10 |
diz diz = knee; ek = joint |
83 TO KNOW understanding understanding to know |
-- tál tál zu |
bilmek til (dil) bil-mek = to understand a language til (dil) = language, tongue us = mind, intelligence, wisdom |
84 LAKE lake, sea spring pool, swamp pool, pond |
-- idim umun 5,6,11 ~garin |
göl, köl, (tengiz, deniz = sea) ba-t-ak = swamp bulak, göze, kaynak -- -- |
85 TO LAUGH to laugh |
--^ [?] |
gülmek ses = voice, sound |
86 LEAF bud bud (3) leaf, sprout (3) sprout, shoot luxuriant growth |
-- pa pa pa bil b>f lam l>c |
yaprak uc, gon-ca, tomurcuk, sürgün = bud; te-pe = hill, the end point such as the top of the head. yap-rak = leaf; fi-liz = sprout fi-liz = sprout çim-en, ot = grass; çum = turf |
87 LEFT left |
-- gub3 |
sol sol |
88 LEG thigh -- -- waist, lower body |
-- ur2, r>d -- -- ib2 |
bacak, bud bud = thigh; yum-ur (yuvarlak, yumulmus^ cikinti, yumruk gibi) = round; bal-dîr = calf, back of the shank, leg (knee down) bel = waist; bel-den as^ag~î = lower body |
89 TO LIE (down) lie down, lie with vagina lie down |
-- nud, na 2 ngála ku |
yatmak yat, uyu, uzan am ku-cak-la = hug, embrace |
90 TO LIVE to live, dwell -- -- sit, dwell, buttock seated, a fart life force live, create, yellow |
-- ti, til ti, til -- tus^ [durun] durun alad sig 7, se 12 |
yas^amak, sag~ olmak til-ek/dölek (dölleyici [IZEy, 186]) = prolific, fertile, productive, fruitful; til/dil = tongue. otur = sit; yas^a= live, dwell oturan = seated -- sig- (sik-) = to intercourse; sa-ri= yellow |
91 LIVER liver, omen liver, soul soul, innerd |
-- ba 3 ur 5 bar |
karaciger, bag~ir bag~-îr = liver, lungs, bosom, heart, breast yür-ek/ür-ek = heart ruh, can = soul |
92 LONG long pull, draw, distance length, distance |
-- sud.r gid2 su |
uzun uzun = long çek = pull; uzat = draw; git = go uz-un-luk = length; uz, iz = yol |
93 LOUSE lice, insect vermin |
-- uh uh |
bit bit, böcek (bög~cek, örümcek [IZEy, 100]) -- |
94 MAN, MALE man penis, man penis, man prince, young man man, soldier, servant |
-- nita, ni-tah ngis 2,3 (g<>s) us^ mis^, mes^ er-im |
adam, ata ata = father; te-kin, ti-gin= prince sik, çük = penis uri (erkek evlat) = son [ HNO, 876] te-kin, ti-gin er-im = my husband, my man, my soldier, my male servant |
95 MANY many many, much abundance many, much, people |
-- s^ar2 es^ he 2 lu |
çok, köp, bol, dolu, artîk ar-tîk = many çok = many bol, dolu = abundant; bol, dolu = abundant; top-lu-m = many people |
96 MEAT, FLESH meat, flesh |
-- uzu |
et ku-zu = lamb (4) |
X11 MOON moon shine brightly |
-- id 4,8, it 4 d/t>y háda, had 2 d>y |
ai, ay ay (ad, id, ud) = moon (5) ayas = light (Ak Ayas = Ajax, Sais, Zeus)[MiEl,9; PK] |
97 MOTHER mother mother mother mother |
-- ama m>n ama ama ama |
ana ana = mother; eme=female ana ana (nine, nene) = grandmother emig, imig (meme[AVG, 264]) = breast mama (kadin [AVG, 286]) = woman; mama = uncle's wife |
98 MOUNTAIN mountain -- higland higland -- roof, mountain pass -- mountain -- -- -- heap, pile -- big |
-- kur, hur.sag~ -- kur, hur.sag~ s>t kur, hur.sag~ -- ur -- is^i -- -- -- gurum -- kur4 |
tau, tag~, dag~ kîr (yayla, cayîrlîk, yaylîm [IZEy, 407])= countryside, uncultivated land [RDH1]; tag~ (dag~) = mountain; kur-gan = mound, hill boz-kîr = (grey) steppe bur-un = nose; te-pe = mountain peak; sirt = mountain top; ge-çit, bo-g~az = mountain pass; sira dag~lar = mountain chain; köt-ki (yüksek yer, yayla, dag~lîk yer, tepe, tepecik, toprak yîgînî [IZEy, 293,294]) = highland, plateau, mountainous place, hill, small hill, pile of dirt gur-gan (kur-gan) = mound, pile; yîg~în, küme = pile kara = big [FH] |
99 MOUTH mouth door, entrance swallow, eat |
-- ka gi gu 7, ku g>y |
ag~îz ag~îz = mouth; ka-pu = gate, door ga-pu (ka-pî) = gate; gir= enter yut = swallow; gut= gulping |
100 NAME name speak, word, year progeny |
-- mu mu numun |
ad, isim tam-ga (dam-ga) = seal, stamp mî-rîl-dan-mak = murmuring to oneself soy, nesil, torun-lar, tohum |
101 NARROW narrow -- |
-- sig 9 -- |
dar, sîk, sîkî sîk = close together, dense, thick sîkî = tight, narrow |
102 NEAR near one (as one) come near to side, near, with locative suffix (at) |
-- zìg, zi as ús da d>y -ta |
yakîn sîk = close together, dense, thick -- üst üs-te = one on the top of other ya-kîn = near -ta -te, -ta (-de, -da) = locative suffix |
103 NECK neck hinged joint |
-- gu2 kak |
boyun, bogaz, kîstak boyun ek = joint |
104 NEW new |
-- gibil |
yeni, teze (taze) yeni |
105 NIGHT night -- |
-- g~i 6, gig -- |
gece, gice, tün kök/kög/gög ( gece [IZEy, 286]) = night; gök (kök yüzü, mavi, gök rengi) = sky, sky blue |
106 NOSE nose, muzzle peak, point peak, point peak, point roof, mountain pass |
-- kiri 4 k>b kur k>b kur kur ur |
burun, gaga, uc burun = nose, point bur-un = nose, point Kur-ul-tay = summit meeting; Kur-i-kan (çadîr) = tent burun = nose, point; dam, çati = roof; geçit = mountain pass |
107 NOT no, not, without prohibiting performative fault, error to erase prohibitive prefix |
-- nu- n>m nam- n>m lúñ s^es^ ba-ra |
yok, eksik, olumsuz -me, -ma = verbal negation suffix -me, -ma = verbal negation suffix kusur, hata = fault; yan-lis^= error -siz, -suz = negation suffix; sil= erase engel |
108 OLD used, worn, old, ancient elder man old woman old woman old woman ancient, old, ruins old old old progenitor progenitor progenitor |
-- li-bir abba b>p umu umu m>n umu m>n sumun~, sun ur-ag/L254 ur-ag/L254 ur-ag/L254 ugu 4 ugu 4 g>y ugu 4 |
eski, pîrtîk, yas^lî pîr-tîk = torn, ragged apa, baba = father, old man; eme = woman; ana = mother, nene, nine = grandmother eski yor-gun = tired, old; urug (uruk) = clan. er-gin = aged, matured, old. Bay Ülgen, Tengri = Turkic god names [MiEl] Ak Ayas, Tengri = Turkic god names [MiEl, 9] ogan/okan (ulu Tengri); aga = creator god, Lord, owner |
109 ONE one one, title of AN alone one, 60 (1/60th?) first, slave progenitor |
-- as^ dis^ 2 dili ~ges^ sa~g ugu |
bir, tek bir = 1; is (idi=sahip, tanri adi [IBML,33] = title of God is (idi=sahip, tanri adi [IBML,33] = title of God dul = widow, alone; dil = tongue -- -- Ak Ayas, Tengri = Turkic god names [MiEl, 9] |
110 OTHER equal, partner female, woman half drawing |
-- man mu-nus más masda |
dig~er, bas^ka, oteki es^, ortak eme, hanum = female, woman yarîm -- |
111 PERSON, PEOPLE people people human beings |
-- lu2 ug~ na- |
kis^i, s^ahis, halk, toplum, el/il el/il, budun bugun (bukun [AVG, 270]) -- |
112 TO PLAY an insturment, sing, play an insturment -- cry, shout, scream cry, shout, scream cantor (singer) |
-- du 12 du 12 du 12 tal 3,4,5 t>ç tal 3,4,5 gala |
çalmak, oynamak da-vul = drum; da-vul çalmak = to play drum; saz çalmak; tu-nur [kam davulu HNO, 485] = shaman's drum çal-mak = to play an instrument s^a-ma-ta çal-mak, söy-le-mek |
113 TO PULL pull pull pull |
-- gid2 gid2 gid2 |
çekmek it-mek = to push; önde git-mek = to go in the front güt-mek (sür-mek) = to drive |
114 TO PUSH to push to push to push to push push butt, toss fling, shove |
-- zag tag tag tag s^u..us2 du 7 lah4 |
itmek, sokmak sok-mak = to thrust into, to insert, to push teg~-mek (dey-mek) = to touch [IZEy, 174] teg~-en-mek (day-an-mak [IZEy, 175]) = to lean against teg~-nek (day-a-nak [IZEy, 175]) = cane, stick sus-ta-li = switchblade tok-us^-mak (dok-us-mak), tos-la-mak atmak = fling; itmek = shove |
115 RAIN to rain moistening, spittle moistening, spittle rain, drip rain, drip cloud, storm, rain |
-- s^eg~3 s>y us us an.s^ur an.s^ur em |
yag~mur yag~-mak; (nur yag~dî = it rained) îs-lak = wet, moist; sis =fog; su= water; çise-le-mek = drizzle yag~mur = rain; yam-gur [ AVG, 308] = rain; kî-s^îr (dolu) = hailstone -- |
116 RED red - brown, ocher red red light, bright light, bright to flame up, blaze |
-- sa5 si 4, su 4 si 4, su 4 piri~g piri~g bir |
al, kîzîl, kîrmîzî sa-rî = yellow kîr-mî-zî, kî-zîl = red; kî-zîl (altun) = gold pîrîl-tî = light; par-lak = bright yar-uk [AVG, 309] = light par-la-mak |
117 RIGHT, CORRECT right (hand), true -- legitimate true, honest, reliable |
-- zi-d z>s zi-d z>d zi-d z>d na-nam |
hak, dog~ru, gerçek, düz, dürüst, erdem sag~ = right side düz = straight düzen (yasa, kural [IZEy, 491] = law, code namus-lu |
118 RIGHT (side) right side |
-- zid, zag |
sag~ sag~ |
119 RIVER river river, cannal watercourse irrigation ditch, dike canal, ditch |
-- id 2 ida, id a eg, ig, e pa 4,5,6 |
nehir, su, çay, irmak, dere ir-mak = small river ulugsu [IBML, 80] = river arku (nehir, dere [AVG, 261] ark (arîk, harîk, yarîk, su yolu [IZEy, 38]) = irrigation ditch ba-t-ak= swamp; ark (arik) |
120 ROAD caravan expedition, road road road, expedition, trip road, expedition, trip |
-- kas-kal, ka.g~iri3 k>y kas-kal, ka.g~iri3 k>y sal s>y ~gir ~gir |
yol, iz iz = path ; uzun yol = long road; girmek = to go in giri-lenka-pi, yürü-nen yol gir = enter; yürü= walk; git = go |
121 ROOT root -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- breed ram, bull breed bull, fish roe breed bull, fish roe send forth, rise |
-- ur 2 -- -- -- -- ur 2 -- -- -- ur 2 utua inda, ninda inda, ninda de |
kök, urug ur (s^is^, yumru) = tumor, round, extension from body like a tumor. ura (s^is^, kozalak [KTLS, 504]) = cypress cone (seed) [RDH1, 677], a swelling, tumor [RDH1, 1065]. ur/ür (üreme, döl [IZEy, 689]) = reproduction ür-en = generation, progeny [RDH1, 1209] kök = root [IZEy, 286] ur, urug( tohum [IBML, 80]) = seed urug (uruk, soy, kök) = clan, tribal root, kins ata = father; koç = ram; bug~a = bull da-miz-lik, döl çiçek döl = seed |
122 ROPE rope to tie knot rope |
-- dur kes kesda és^e |
ip, urgan ur-gan (örken) = rope bag~-la-mak dü-g~üm = knot sicim |
123 ROTTEN rot rot, stink ruin, rot, decay |
-- sug~in hab 2 h>k sun, sumun |
çürük, kokmus^, köpüklenmis^ sog~-an = onion, smelly köp-ük = foam -- |
X12 ROUND round round turn around, transform sphere, circle, ring, loop ring, hand mill encircle, beseige -- |
-- la-gab ni-gin 2 -ni ku gur har kára, kár k>s -- |
yuvarlak, yumru, ur, s^is^ kab kacak = round pots and pans, containers -- kag~-ni = wooden wheeled cart te-ker-lek = wheel; ur= round, tumor har-man = harvest, turn round and round sar (kus^at) = encircle, siege; çe-per = wall encircling a property, hedge |
124 TO RUB to rub to rub anoint with oil |
-- su.ub su.ub s^es^ 2 |
sürmek, yaymak sür-mek = to rub süpür- mek = to sweep, to clean yag~-la-mak, sil-mek? |
125 SALT salt |
-- mun |
tuz tuz |
126 SAND sand, dry dust |
-- sahar ukum |
kum sahra = desert kum = sand |
127 TO SAY say |
-- dug4 [=3D> e] |
demek, söylemek, aymak [MuEr, 104] de, di ([UYAT, 102] = say |
128 TO SCRATCH to scratch |
-- hur |
kas^imak, kazmak, çizmek kas^i-mak = scratch |
129 SEA sea the sentient sea the abyssal sea the abyssal sea |
-- a.ab.a ab-zu (or ZU-AB) en-gur en-gur |
deniz, tengiz deniz, tengiz su = water (15) ten-giz (deniz) = sea; en-gin= high sea, open sea, wide, wast, boundless |
130 TO SEE eye, see, face stare at, gaze stare at, gaze to seek, to find expose, see see through appearance appearance attention geting awe inspiring |
-- igi ug 6 du 8 pàd 3 d>l bar b>g sim ál ál ulut lám |
görmek göz = eye; gör= see; yüz = face. bak = look dik-mek (gözünü) = to stare bul-mak = to find, to discover, uncover gör cam = glass görüntü; al= red; al-lî (renkli, gösteris^li)) = red bulut = cloud; al-lî (renkli, gösteris^li)) = red al-lî (renkli, gösteris^li)) = red |
131 SEED seed -- seed, progeny to grow |
-- numun, a numun, a nu~gun, numun mu m>b |
tohum, döl, meni, urug [IZEy, 238] tohum, döl, yumurta, ur, ur-luk, urug (her seyin tohumu [IBMl, 39]) meni = human seed bü-yü-me |
X13 SEVEN seven, totality -- |
-- imin [u3-me-nu] imin [u3-me-nu] |
yedi, yeti yedi = seven; tüm= totality; tamam = that is all; hemi, hamî = everyone |
132 TO SEW weaver, ?tailor net, mat, sinew rope type of weaver to weave, decorate to weave a mat to weave a mat -- |
-- us-bar r>s sa es^e húb tag kid 6, kad 6,8 (k<>d) kid 6, kad 6,8 kid 6, kad 6,8 |
dikmek üs(t)-bas^ = clothing hasir = mat s^e-rit, kiris^ = sinew, thread; ip, urgan = rope aba = thick cloak tak-î = jewelry; tak= to wear; örmek = to weave dik-mek = to sew, to tie together kat katör-mek = to tie together layer by layer; kat = layer, such as layers of a rope |
133 SHARP to cut point, head lance barb, point barb, point insert, enter, write -- -- dagger, sword -- -- |
-- gum, gun se~g sukur dih 2 dih 2 sur sur sur ~gir ~gir ~gir |
sivri, keskin, itik [UYAT, 214], ötkür [UYAT, 276] kes-mek = to cut igne = needle, sharp point sok-ar (mizrak, kar-gi) = lance, to thrust into di-k-en = barb, thorn; i-tik (keskin [UYAT, 214]) = sharp sür = drive, stabb; ir=write (Chuvash sir, ir [TDEK1, 225]) kar-gî = lance, pike, javelin sür-gü (sün-gü) = bayonet gir = enter; gir-gi = a pointed instrument that enters; öt-kür (keskin [UYAT, 276]) |
X14 TO SHOOT shoot an arrow arrow |
-- ti..ra ti |
atmak, vurmak tîg~atmak, ok atmak arrow tîg~, ok = knitting needle, straight and strong |
134 SHORT short (man) short short small ant (a small bug?) |
-- (lu)-gud gud 8 lal gi 17 kis^i |
kîsa, gödek, güdük göd-ek, güd-ük göd-ek = short -- ki-sa = short;ki-çik (küçük) = small kon-guz (böcek [HNO, 843]) = a bug |
135 TO SING to sing -- -- sing(er) |
-- du12 -- -- na-(r) |
îrlamak, türkü söylemek, demek tür-kü de-mek, îr-la-mak = to sing kög/küg [TDEK, 227] = to sing with the accompaniment of instruments s^ar-kî-cî, tür-kü-cü |
X15 SISTER girl (young) -- -- -- sister female, woman -- |
-- ge ge ge ge nin9 nunuz nunuz |
kîz kardes^, baci, apa [KTLS, 43], eke (ece, eze [IBML, 12]) genç kîz; eke (ece, eze [IBML, 12]) = sister; aga (büyük erkek kardes^, bey, yörenin büyüg~ü) = elder brother, Beg, lord, rich and influential man of the town. ana = mother; nine= grandmother, sin-gil [IBML, 60] ine [KTLS, 176] = female; ana= mother; eme = woman;nine/nene = grandmother |
136 TO SIT to sit to mount, ride, sit on lap, thigh silent, still to sit down, reside -- throne, dais, stand -- governor pillow (?), triangle |
-- tus^ [=3D> durun] u 5 ur áll s^us^ -- bar-ag bar-ag ni- sang sang-tag |
oturmak o-tur-mak = to sit; dur = stop u (yu)= sleep; bin = mount, ride; o-tur = sit ku-cak = lap; bud (but) = thigh dur-an = still, silent çüs^ (dur) = a Turkish expression used to call a moving (i.e., a driven) donkey to stop otur-ak = place to sit on, chair; dur-ak (durulan yer) = stand -- day-a-nak (yas-tik, [IZEy, 171]) = pillow |
137 SKIN skin, hide, leather meat, flesh peel, pare, expose spread out? pelt, hide |
-- kus^ uzu bar pára mun-sub |
deri, gön kös-e-le kuzu = lamb arala, soy = peel yay-mak, ser-mek deri = pelt; gön = hide |
138 SKY sky, heaven, high -- -- -- dark, night (?sky) sky |
-- an, an- an, an- an, an- an, an- gi 6, mé gik, kik |
gök, tan (tang) [IZEy, 638] tan (tang, gök) = sky; (16) tan agarmasi [IZEy, 639] = dawn; Tan-rî, Teng-ri, Ten-gir, Tan-gara = sky god; ana = mother (9). gi-ce (gece, tün) = night; gök = sky, sky blue gök [IZEy, 286] |
139 TO SLEEP sleep lie down sleep rest, repose |
-- ù 3 ku ku-ku huñ |
u [HNO, 873], uyumak u, uyu = sleep yat = lie down uy-ku = sleep -- |
140 SMALL child, young, small child, young, small child, son young, small small, young man girl, young woman short short low, small small, young small, young |
-- tur t>k banda2/3 pes^ 8 di 4.di 4.l gi 14 ge 2,3 g>k gud 8 gud 8 sig har har |
küçük, ufak, hurda kör-pe = young, child, small; hur-da = small hur-da (hirda) = young, small piç = bastard child dinç = young, energetic ge-de/gi-de = young boy (Azeri) kîz = girl güd-ek (göd-ek) = short; göd-en = large intestine; göd (göt) = rectum sîkî = tight hur-da (hîr-da) = small; dar = narrow, tight |
141 TO SMELL smell? smell, scent, fragerence smell, scent, fragerence stench -- -- -- sweet, pleasant foul smell deficate, urinate aromatic, perfume |
-- ni ir ir zi -- zi zi sag 5, sig 6 hab 2 bid d>s s^em |
kokmak, koklamak koku iy, is, iyis, cit (koku [KTLS, 492]) ir-in = pus, matter of wounds [RDH1,546] sid-ik (siy-ik, hiydikin Baskurt [KTLS, 778], kötü koku) = urine; si-mek (siy-mek [IBML, 60]) = urinate sik = penis -- pis koku pis koku güzel koku |
142 SMOKE smoke smoke/deliberate soot eclipsed, darkened |
-- de3, i.bi2 dar ubilla 2 gidim 6 |
duman, tütün, bulut, sis du-man, tü-tün du-man, tü-tün; d>k kar = snow bulut = cloud; is, kurum = soot gice (gece) = night |
143 SMOOTH smooth to smooth |
-- sal [?] s>k sal [?] |
düz, düzgün, kaygan, kolay kal/kel = bald headed, bare of vegetation. dü-zelt-mek |
144 SNAKE snake, reptile encircling snake |
-- mus^ mer |
yilan kus^ = bird; mus^ = bird like mar (6) = snake, serpent |
145 SNOW snow |
-- s^eg~8 [?] |
kar sog (sog~uk [KTLS, 787]) = cold |
146 SOME some |
-- [?] |
bazî , bir kac -- |
X16 SPEAR spear |
-- s^ukur |
mîzrak, kargî, zîpkîn kar-gî |
147 TO SPIT to spit |
-- uh 2 [?] |
tükürmek tuh (tükürmek) |
148 TO SPLIT split split, shatter cut into, divide sickle cut out, deduct, apportion lead out, travel slave (?) |
-- bar, b>y dar, d>y sil 2 zubu s^ub s^ub sab su-bar |
yarmak yar yar böl; dilim = slice; yar-îm = half orak bölme, paylas^tirma bölme, paylas^tirma sab (söz, haber [MuEr, 127]) = words, news kul; sin-gar [MuEr, 128] = half, one of two halves |
149 TO SQUEEZE to twist /Gordon -- -- |
-- sur sur -- |
sîkmak, sarmak, sarîlmak, kucaklamak sar-mak = to wrap around, to wind sar-îl-mak, = to be hugged, to be embraced, to be encircled by enemy |
150 TO STAB, PIERCE to stab, pierce dig, scrape, furrow hole arrow arrow gore, toss insert, enter sting, fever |
-- bur3 b>v tu 10 tu 10 ti ti du 7 sar tab b>v |
tîg~la-mak, okla-, bîçakla-, del-, gir-, sok-, ignele- vur-mak = to hit; gir-mek = to enter, to pierce tîr-nak-la-mak = to scrape, to claw; des^-mek = to lance, to open up tîg~ (ok) = arrow, sharp pointed spindle tîg~, s^is^= knitting needle des^ = to gore, to stabb gir = enter, pierce; sür = drive into, push tav-la-mak = to heat; a-tas^ = fire |
151 TO STAND stationary, standing to be, to have to be, we fate to act, to behave stand up |
-- gub [su8.b] me me me me 6 zig 3 z>d |
durmak, ayakta kalmak duran men = I, me; olmak; sahip olmak olmak; miz/biz; men me-nem = I am my fate (11) dav-ran-mak dik-dur, kalk |
152 STAR shine, glow shine, glow star, planet planetshine, star shine brightly shine brightly shine, gleam, sta shine, gleam, sta |
-- mul m>y mul m>y mul m>y s^un s>g had 2 had 2 d>y zalag z>y zalag z>y |
yildiz, yulduz, gün, günes^ yal/yul (is^ik, kizarti [IZEy, 719]) = bright, shining, light; yal-in-lik [AVG, 308] yul-duz (yil-diz) = star gün (kün) = sun od (ates^) = fire; ay = moon (5) yal-av (alev, [AVG, 308]) = flame; yal-tir-mak [AVG, 308] = to shine |
153 STICK stick -- |
-- g~is^ g~idru |
çubuk, sopa, sîrîk, deg~nek, ag~aç ag~aç = tree, wood çubuk, sîrîk, deg~nek |
154 STONE pebble, stone stone, rock pretty, precious stone block of stone lapis lazuli |
-- na 4 za 2 s^ub 7 -- la-gab gìn |
tas^, kaya, çakîl çakîl ka-ya = big rock; ça-kîl = pebble s^eb = coral stone?, mercan?; guher -- lapik (lepik= yassi ince tas^) = layered stone gök tas^ (mavi renkli tas^) |
155 STRAIGHT to straighten, upright steadyness, reliability stand upright |
-- si..sa2 -- ~gen -- si |
düz düzeltmek; dik = upright -- güven -- dik dur |
156 TO SUCK to suckle breathe (in), soul stench leak leak overflow |
-- sub b>r zi (g) zí zum z>d zum zum |
sormak, sorumak, emmek, i*mek, *ekmek, almak sor = suckle, suck nefes almak = to breathe; can = soul sid-ik = urine; kötü koku dam-la-mak = to drip; sîz-mak tas^-mak |
157 SUN sun, time, when -- -- -- day, time -- sun god torpidity, fever beam, ray -- |
-- utu, ud -- -- -- utu, ud d>y -- d.KIN dih 2 dalla d>y -- |
gün, kün üt/ot/od (atas^ [IZEy, 515, 703]) = fire; üt-mek (yakmak [IZEy, 703]) = to burn; ütü = (hot) iron ( used for pressing clothes); gün, kün = sun; öd-le/öy-le = noon time; öd = time [ODes, 466], [HNO, 825], [ONT: 12]; kün tengri [ONT, 12] -- yalav (alev)= flame, fire; yul-duz = star |
158 TO SWELL to grow to widen to widen to widen to grow, thick |
-- mu 2 m>b dag~al dag~al d>ç dag~al d>y bulug~ 3 |
s^is^mek, kabarmak, büyümek bü-yü-mek = to grow dag~-îl-mak = to spread, to widen çog~-al-mak = to increase, to spread yay-îl-mak = to spread bulug~ = to reach puberty; to ripen. |
159 TO SWIM water waterfowl, swan -- |
-- i 7 us -- |
yüzmek su kaz = goose; ku/kur/kug~u = swan; su = water |
160 TAIL tail -- -- |
-- kun n>d>y -- -- |
kuyruk kud-ruk (kuy-ruk [IZEy, 454]); kud/kuy (1. kic, 2. kiyi, 3. dere [IZEy,454]) = 1. bottom, rear end; 2. side; 3. brook |
X17 TEN ten hand (finger?) finger(s), 10 one (?) |
-- u [ha-wa-mu] su hù, u dis |
on on = ten el, (parmak) on parmak (barimak [IZEy, 549] = 10 fingers bir |
161 THAT to that? that one, he, she that one this/that one |
-- ri ni, na ni, na bi, bé |
0, ol, s^u -ra, -ri, -ru = directional suffix an (o) = he, she, it o biri bu/mu = this one; s^u = that one |
162 THERE that place -- place, town place, town place, town place, town place, town place, town |
-- ki..ri-a -- ki -- ki k>y ki ki ki |
ora, orada, oraya o-ra, o-ra-sî; -ri, -ra, -ru = directional suffix kîr (yayla, ova, çayirlik, yaylim [IZEy, 407]) = countryside, mountain resort, medow; yer/yir/kir = place, ground, dirt kir (yer, toz, toprak, çamur) = dirt (12) kent = town ki (geri, bati) = west [HNO, 812] |
163 THEY they genitive, locative this one -- |
-- -na- ne ne |
onlar, an-an (old Turkic) an-an (= onlar) (7); (-en, -an= -ler, -lar in old Turkish) -in, -un = suffix for genitive bu-na = to this one -na = dative suffix |
164 THICK expand, womb big, fat big, fat big, fat |
-- pes^ p>s^ gur 4, gir 8 gur 4, gir 8 gur 4, gir 8 |
kalîn, sîk, çok, koyu, yog~un s^is^-mek = to expand gür = thick, dense yo-g~un = thick, dense guy-ruk/kuy-ruk = big fat tail of eastern Anatolian sheep |
165 THIN thin -- -- -- -- |
-- sal sal sal s>c sal s>y sal s>d |
ince, seyrek, sulu, soluk, cansiz, ciliz, zayif su-lu = watery sol-uk = pale (in colour) cil-iz, can-siz = thin, undersized yal = watery mash prepared for dogs as food dal = branch of a tree (which is thin as compared to the body of a tree |
166 TO THINK hear, understand intelligent -- discernment intelligent |
-- g~es^tug 2,3 us 4 -- umus, us 4 ngiz-al |
düs^ünmek es^it = hear, anla us (anlayis^ gücü, yeti, öz, töz, akîl [IZEy, 689]) = inteligence, mind, wisdom us (zeki, anlayan [IZEy, 689]) = discerning us-lu = intelligent, smart |
167 THIS this |
-- ne.en, ne- n>l |
bu/mu, buna/muna, bunda/munda, ol bu/mu, buna/muna, bunda/munda, ol |
168 THOU thou |
-- za-e, -zu |
sen sen; -iz, -uz = 2nd p. plural verbal suffix |
169 THREE three |
-- es^ 5 |
üç üç |
170 TO THROW to throw |
-- ra, ri, s^ub |
atmak -ri, -ru = directional suffix |
171 TO TIE to bind, tie to bind, tie to bind, tie tie, rope, bond to tie, bond, string -- to tie, bond, string -- to tie, bond, string to tie, bond, string to tie, bond, string to tie -- to tie -- to tie together to tie together nest nest to weave a mat sinew, cord, mat, net a knot |
-- lá lá lá dim dur -- dur -- dur dur dur kes^.dr -- kes^.dr -- kad 4,5 kad 4,5 gud d>y gud kid 6, kad 6,8 sa kes^da |
bag~lamak, dokumak, dügümlemek, kat katmak il-mek (baglamak, birles^tirmek [IZEy, 343]); il-mek (düg~üm) = noose; ile = with, together with [RDH1, 527] düg~üm [IZEy, 208] dür-mek (bükmek, toplamak, katlamak [IZEy, 210]) = to put together, to tie, to wrap. dür-üm = flat bread wrapped around cheese or other edibles to eat, folded sandwich. dür-ge (katlanmis pamuk[IZEy, 210]) = folded cotton dür-gü [IZEy, 210] = wrapped dead body, folded, wrapped object dok-u-mak (dügümlemek) = to weave, to tie kos^-mak (baglamak, ilis^tirmek, takmak [RDH2, 461]) = to hitch, to attach something to another kos^a (yoldas^, [IZEy, 429]) = two together, two people attached together like man and wife, pair, two, two friends, two related people or objects. kat (büküm, kîvrîm [IZEy, 384]) = layer, such as layers of a rope (13); kat kat-mak = to add a floor or a layer. uya (yuva) = nest [HNO, 877] udi (uyu) = to sleep [HNO, 874]; kat kat-mak = to add a floor or a layer to a layered object. -- kos^-uk = tied together |
172 TONGUE tongue -- |
-- eme eme |
dil em = suck dil/til |
173 TOOTH tooth |
-- zu2, zu 9 |
dis^/tis^ ez-mek = to crush, to chew; |
174 TREE tree |
-- g~is^ |
ag~aç ag~aç; yis^ (orman) = forest |
175 TO TURN to turn -- -- -- -- -- -- |
-- gi 4, gur g>b gi 4, gur g>b gi 4, gur gi 4, gur gi 4, gur gi 4, gur g>s gi 4, gur |
dönmek, burmak, bükmek bur-mak = to twist, to turn bur-gu = drill; te-ker-lek = wheel ger-i-ye git = turn back eg~-ri = bent, crooked ger-i, arka = back sar = wrap around kur = reload (e.g.: "yay kurmak" or "saatî kur") |
X18 TWENTY twenty |
-- nis^ |
yirmi, yigirmi yirmi, yigirmi = 20 |
176 TWO two |
-- min |
iki/ikki iki/ikki = 2 |
177 TO VOMIT to vomit |
-- buru 8 [?] |
çîkarmak, kusmak çîkarmak, kusmak |
178 TO WALK walk |
-- g~en (du, etc) |
yürümek, gelmek, gitmek gel git = come and go, to walk about; yuru = walk |
179 WARM warm scorching baker, cook |
-- kum 2 mèl mu-hal-dim |
isi, sîcak kum = sand, desert -- -- |
180 TO WASH wash wash, bathe, pour rain, cloud to clean |
-- luh, lah l>y tu 5,17 em sikil |
yikamak, yumak yîka, yu su dök = pour water to wash yag~-mur; bulut sîk-mak = to squeeze water out of laundry |
181 WATER water |
-- a (?) |
su, ter [IZEy, 655] su |
182 WE we |
-- -me |
biz, miz miz; -miz, -muz = 1st p. pl. verbal suffix |
183 WET wet -- -- -- moist, get moist soak, cloud pond, pool |
-- dur(u) 5 dur(u) 5 dur(u) 5 sur r>l dig lum ñar-im |
yas^, sulu duru (sîvî, sulu [KTLS, 776]) = watery duru-la-mak = rinsing with clean water; ter (islak, yas^ [IZEy, 655]) = wet; sweat sulu, sîvî (cîvîk, suyuk [KTLS, 776]) = watery; su dök = pour water; bu-lut = cloud; nor (in Mongolian) = lake |
184 WHAT what -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- |
-- |
ne, na, nasil ne, na (hangi, AVG, 72]) ne-çuk = how? [HNO, 820] ne-guda (nasil, ne biçim [HNO, 820]) = how? ne-ke (neye, neden [HNO, 820]) = why? ne-luk (neden [HNO, 820]) = because of what? nen-çe (kaç, ne kadar [HNO, 820]) = how many neng (s^ey, nesne [HNO, 820]) = thing neng-nen (ne, her ne [HNO, 820]) = what ne teg (ne gibi) = like what [HNO, 820; AVG, 72] |
185 WHEN when -- |
-- ud...-a |
ne zaman, na öd kaçan (ne zaman AVG, 72]) öd = time [HNO, 825] |
186 WHERE where |
-- me-a, ki..-a |
nerede kani (ne-rede, [AVG, 72]) |
187 WHITE white |
-- babbar bar 6 |
ak/ag/ag~, bayaz bayaz ag~, ak |
188 WHO who who |
-- |
kim, ki kim apa = father |
189 WIDE to widen, wide to widen, wide to widen, wide wide to be wide |
-- dag~al, d>ç dag~al dag~al, d>y tal2 sal |
genis^, enli çog~-al-mak = to increase, to swell dag~-îl-mak = to spread, to widen to widen yay-îl-mak = to spread, to widen genis^;sel = flood genis^-le-mek; sel = flood |
190 WIFE wife, husband, spouse female, woman female, eggs, offspring |
-- dam munus nu-nuz |
kari, es^ dam (ev) = house eme, mama [AVG, 286] nene, nine = grandmother |
191 WIND wind |
-- im, lil |
yel, yil yel, yil |
192 WING wing to fly -- -- |
-- a2, pa p>k dal dal d>y dal |
kanat, telek, yelek ka-nat (telek [IZEy, 652]); kana(t) [IZEy, 370] = wing tel-ek (tüy, tüg [IZEy, 652]) = feather, down yel-ek (kaz tel-egi) = quill from a goose or from a bird's wing. dal (kol, butak/budak) = branch |
TO WIPE to wipe erase |
-- ra.g dir |
silmek sil-mek; ku-ru-lamak = to dry sil |
194 WITH together with commitative lie with |
-- -da, -ta -da- -na |
ile, beraber -le, -la = suffix expressing togetherness -de, -da, -te, -ta = locative suffix -ne, -na = dative suffix for demonstrative pronouns |
195 WOMAN woman |
-- munus |
kadîn, eme, mama, nine, hala meme = breast; ana = mother; hanîm/hanum = lady |
196 WOODS, FOREST woods, forest -- -- -- -- |
-- tir -- -- tir tir |
orman, koru, yis^, ag~aç ter (dirilik, islaklik, yes^illik, canlilik [IZEy, 655]) = liveliness, wetness, greenness, living (all of these concepts are associated with forest or woods); ter-ek (kavak [KTLS, 454]) = poplar tree, wooden shelf ter (kabuk [IZEy, 655]) = shell; bark of a tree |
X19 TO WORK to work |
-- kin..ak |
is^lemek, çalis^mak -- |
197 WORM worm |
-- g~ar7 [?] |
solucan, kurt gurt/kurt (solucan) |
198 YOU you |
-- |
siz -niz, -nuz = verbal pronoun for 2nd p. pl |
199 YEAR year |
-- mu |
yîl, sene yîl, sene |
200 YELLOW yellow |
-- sig7 |
sari sari |
1."u" has been widely used in Turkish literature as a word corresponding to the word "and". It might be considered by some as a loan word into Turkish from Persian. Although it is not clear who got this word from whom, however, in our view, it is a Central Asiatic word which has migrated into Persian: a) by way of Sumerians and/or 2) by way of other Central Asiatic peoples such as Sakas, Huns, Turks who ruled the Persian land mass many times and each time for very long durations of time throughout the known history. So, in Persia there were a lot of interaction between Central Asiatic Turkish peoples and Persians throughout the history. During these times of interactions, there have been linguistic and cultural borrowings between the two ethnic groups.
2.Sumerian "pa" is reported to mean the "top", the "upper part of a tree", "the upper part of a bird", "supervisor", "chief" and "coming from upper sides" [AZ, 223]. If this definition is correct, then we would have direct correspondence for it in Turkish. The Turkish version of this Sumerian word would be as follows: "bas^ = head"; "the upper part of a bird" is 'bas^'; father "apa" in Turkish is a supervisor of a household as well as the chief of the family. So evidently Sumerian "pa" and Turkish "bas^ are related to each other. Probably the earliest form of Turkish "bas^" was also "pa". This we can se from the Turkish word "tepe" meaning hill, mountain top, top of the head and figuratively, someone above others. In Turkish, there is also the saying of "dag~ bas^i" meaning "mountain top". If we want to synthesize this two words in old Turkish, we would need to put together the Turkish word "tau (dag~) = mountain" and the word "bas^ = pa". Thus we would have {tau+pa ----> taupa ----> tapa} which is exactly the Turkish word "tepe" in form and meaning, thus, meaning "mountain top" or hill. When one looks at a mountain chain at a horizon, "mountain peaks" will look like "small hills = tepes" with respect to the main bodies of the mountains. So Turkish word "tepe" fits well to these two different but similar concepts. Let us now consider the Turkish word "apa" meaning "father". If we use the same approach to its synthesis as we did for the word "tepe, one could say that "father is the "head of a house', "father" is a "supervisor" and "father" is the "chief" in the house and hence we would have {a + pa} where the Sumerian word "e" is "house" and "pa" is "top". The Turkish word for "house" is "ev" the very ancient version of which was probably "e" or "a". When we put them together, we have {(ev+bas^) ----> (e + pa) ----> (a+pa) ----> apa = father}. Again we see that we have a likely explanation for Turkish word "apa" having total affinity to the Sumerian words "e = house" plus "pa= top".
3.The concept inbedded in the words "bud", "leaf" and "sprout" have one aspect in common to them all which is they all develop at the tip of the branch of a tree or plant. So Sumerian "pa" meaning "top", as also suggested by the Turkic words "tepe" and "apa", seems to be a fitting interpretation of the Sumerian sign for this word.
4.For Central Asiatic people, whose economy in ancient times was based on herds of sheep, cattle, horse and other herbivorous animals, lamb and/or sheep, i.e., Sumerian "udu for sheep and Turkish "kuzu" for lamb, was one source of meat. This culture, i.e., using "lamb meat" for their meat intake, has been carried on to the present times by Turkic peoples.
5.In Turkish, change from d to y is very common. Because of this type of consonant changes, some Turkic dialects are classified as d group and some others as y group, eg. adak versus ayak meaning "foot",[TDEK2].
6.The word "mar" for snake, serpent is used both in Turkish and Persian. Some would claim it as a Persian loan word in Turkish. Who got the word from whom is not certain.
7.In archaic Turkish, there is the-en, -an suffix used as suffix for plural. A good example of this is in the Turkish word "er-en" meaning "men, soldiers, brave men". When the 3rd p. s. pronounoor when it is in the form of an, en receives the plural suffix-an or-en, we get 'an+an' or 'en+en' form which would correspond to the present form 'onlar'. Thus the archaic form en-en or an-an of this Turkic word would be related to the corresponding Sumerian word ''.
8.If a Sumerian word starts with a vowel and ends with a consonant, i.e., in the format of VC, it is very likely that in the original Sumerian form, that word may actually ended in a vowel, i.e., having a VCV format whereby the final V was dropped when reading the Sumerian cuneiform writing, eg: us[u], ug[u]. Similarly, if a Sumerian word has been read in the CV format, it is likely that that word was originally in VCV format, but somehow the first vowel got dropped in the evolution of the Sumerian language or in the reading process of the Sumerian cuneiform writings.
9.In Sumerian pantheon "an" is the topmost god who created everything on the earth and in the sky. The underlying theme of this word is that "an" is the "mother creator" of everything. In view of this understanding, it seems that the Turkish word "ana" for mother is related to the Sumerian "an". It is reasonable to think that even during proto Sumerian times, "an" and "ana" not only were related but probably were the same word used for a number of differing meanings as indicated by the Sumerian word "an" and the Turkish word "ana". This again implies that the ancestors of Turks and the Sumerians were very closely related people, sharing a common culture in a homeland common to both of them. All indications are pointing to Central Asian steppes.
10.It seems that the Sumerian suffix -ag and Turkish suffix -ag or -ak have the similar meaning as suggested in the following examples: bar-ag vs otur-ak, or dur-ak.
11.In Turkish the saying "men menem" has two meanings; 1) 'I am myself, I do not resemble anyone else but myself; 2) 'I am my fate' which again means 'I represent my fate only' or 'I am the living representation of my fate'. In this Turkic saying, one gets the meaning of Sumerian "me" for fate. Therefore, there seems to be a kinship between the Sumerian word "mae = I", the Turkish word "men = I" and the Sumerian word "me" for fate.
12.As one interacts with the ground, one picks up dirt, "kir" in Turkish, which comes from the ground. Thus it seems that Sumerian word "ki" and Turkish word "kir", in addition to Turkic "KIR" = countryside, are related and coming from the same root word.
13.In Turkish the root word "kat" signifies "layers" of layered object in which layers are tied or attached together, eg. 'apartman kati' a floor of a building, 'ipin kati' a layer of a rope, 'kat' of any weaving eg. basket, socks, rug weaving, etc. In the case of rope, the layer threads are tied or hold together by twisting, "bükmek" in Turkish, them together. Thus the Turkish word "büküm" signifies a kind of tie or knot, i.e., "dügüm" in Turkish.
14.Turkish villager who raise sheep keep their herd in enclosed pens during winter. The waste of sheep in the pen is stepped on and pressed down by the sheep all winter long. In the spring time when sheep are let out, then the pressed sheep waste is cut and put out to dry. The dried waste is used for burning. These cut and dried waste bricks are called "kesek" or "kerme" or "tezek" depending on the local dialect of people using it.
15.This Sumerian word pronounced as abzu by some Sumerologist is written as zuab in its original Sumerian writing [JLHa], that is to say that the sign for zu is written before the sign for ab. Therefore, I feel that it should have been read as zuab rather than abzu. If these two signs written together as zuab stands for underground waters in Sumerian, then we have a correspondence between this Sumerian word and the Turkic word "su" for water. Why the order of the Sumerian words zuab has been changed to abzu is a mystery. This kind of arbitrary change alters the character of the word making the word Akkadian rather than Central Asian as written in its Sumerian form.
16.The ancient Turkic word for "sky" is "tang > tan". This is written in the form of "Tan" in "IRK BITIG" hand written Gök Türk manuscripts, [HNO,271, line 38. XXVI]. The Turkic words "tengri", tenger", "tengere", "tangara" and "tanri" which all come from the same root, initially must have consisted of the root words "tang" or "Teng" plus "er" plus "-i" meaning the "man of the sky/heaven" and hence "the God". These roots put together as (teng + er + i) ---> tengeri ---> tengri. The suffix -i is indicative of the accusative form of the Altaic word "tengri".
ARAT..... Resid Rahmeti Arat, "Makaleler, cilt I", Turk Kültürünü Arastirma Enstitüsü, hazirlayan: O. F. Sertkaya,
..... ..... ....Ankara, 1987.
AVG....... A. von Gabain, Eski Türkçenin Grameri", Ceviren: Mehmet Akalin, Türk Dil Kurumu Yayinlari, 332,
..... ..... ....Ankara, 1988.
AYB1..... Azerbaycan Yurt Bilgisi, Cilt1, Sayi 1-12, Burhanettin Matbaasi, Istanbul,1932.
AYB2..... Azerbaycan Yurt Bilgisi, Cilt 2, Sayi 13-24, Burhanettin Matbaasi, Istanbul,1933. AYB3 Azerbaycan Yurt
..... ..... ....Bilgisi, Cilt 3, Sayi 25-36, Burhanettin Matbaasi, Istanbul,1934.
AZ..... ....Andraz Zakar, "Sumerin-Ural-Altaic Affinities", Current Anthropology, vol. 12, No. 2, April 1971,
..... ..... ...p. 215-224.
FH..... ....Fred Hamori: "100 word Hymes List"
FH2........Fred Hamori: "Ural - Altaic Language Page"
IZEy..... ..Ismet Zeki Eyüboglu, "Türk Dilinin Etimoloji Sözlügü", Sosyal Yayinlar, Istanbul, 1991.
IBML..... Abdullah Battal, "Ibni-Muhenna Lugati", Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu, Türk Dil Kurumu
..... ........ Yayinlari: 9,Ankara, 1988.
JLHa..... John L. Hayes, A Manual of Sumerian Grammar and Texts", Undena Publications, Malibu, 1990.
KTLS.....Karsilastirmali Türk Lehçeleri Sözlügü, Kültür Bakanligi /1371, kaynak Eserler Dizisi /54, Ankara, 1992.
UYAT.....Kurtulus Oztopcu, "Uygur Atasözleri ve Deyimleri", Dogu Türkistan Vakfi Yayinlari, Istanbul, 1992.
MiEl...... Mircea Eliade, "Shamanism Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy", Bollingen Series LXXVI, Princeton University
..... ........ Press, 1974.
MuEr..... Muharrem Ergin, "Bir Azeri Sairi Ahmet Bey", Azerbaycan Yurt Bilgisi, Cilt 4, Sayi 37, Burhanettin Erenler
..... ........ Matbaasi, Istanbul,1954, s. 18-21.
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