Words under the lens: Greek Numeral names No.34 - Greek words related to number "five hundred"

34.    Greek words related to number "five hundred":

Greek word PENTAKOSIOI means "five hundred", and PENTAKOSIOSTOS means "five hundredth", [Divry's Modern English-Greek, Greek-English Dictionary, 1988, p. 762].

Turkish cardinal numeral for "five hundred" is 
"BEŞYÜZ" and for ordinal numeral "five hundredth" is "BEŞYÜZINCI" (BEŞYÜZÜNCÜ).

a)   Greek word PENTAKOSIOI, meaning "five hundred", rearranged letter-by-letter as 
 "PESIN-KATO-IO(S)" or "PE(S)IN-KATO-IOS", is the altered, restructured, Hellenized and disguised form of the Turkish mathematical expression "BEŞIN KATI YÜZ" meaning "hundred fold of five" or "five times hundred" which makes five hundred.  One of the letter S’ in the original Turkish text has been dropped for disguise.

Turkish word 
BEŞ means "five", BEŞIN means "of five" KATI means "fold, times", YÜZ means "hundred", BEŞYÜZ means "five hundred".

This finding is verified by the following decipherment of the ordinal numeral name PENTAKOSIOSTOS, meaning "five hundredth":

b)   Greek ordinal numeral name PENTAKOSIOSTOS, rearranged letter-by-letter as "PES-KAT-IOSONSTO", is the altered, restructured, Hellenized and disguised form of the Turkish mathematical expression 
"BEŞ KAT YÜZÜNCüDÜ" meaning "it is five fold hundredth" is just another way of saying the Turkish ordinal numeral "BEŞYÜZÜNCüDÜ" meaning "five hundredth" . Also embedded in this Turkish multiplication expression is the phrase "BEŞ KAT YÜZ" which means "five times hundred".  This is another way of saying BEŞYÜZ meaning "five hundred". 

Thus, from all of this, we see that the Greek cardinal numeral name PENTAKOSIOI and the ordinal numeral name PENTAKOSIOSTOS have been intentionally fabricated from the corresponding model Turkish mathematical expressions 
"BEŞIN KATI YÜZ" and "BEŞ KAT YÜZÜNCüDÜ" by way of anagrammatizing these Turkish source texts. 

Surely, an original model, in this case the Turkish language, is much earlier in time than the copy that has been made up from it, that is, the Greek language in these examples!

Polat Kaya
